Investment activity in the
free zone
Investment in Mreisa Free Zone includes all economic, industrial, commercial, service and contracting fields, through establishing companies or opening branches of existing companies, whether local or foreign, and this is available to legal entities and independent persons.
Facilities and exemptions granted to investors
- Exemption from all customs and other taxes
- Exemption from income taxes on realized profits
- Ease and speed of completion of procedures
- No restrictions on the entry and exit of goods
- There are no restrictions on financial transactions
- The possibility of transferring ownership of the project in whole or in part from one investor to another
- Neither projects nor investors are subject to registration requirements in the records of suppliers, exporters and the commercial register
- There are no restrictions on employment
- The lease term is up to 30 years, renewable

Investment zones for economic activities in the free zone in Mreisa
- Implementation of necessary facilities for industrial, commercial and service activities
- Transit trade activity
- Carrying out various manufacturing and transformational operations that would change the state of the goods or prepare them for the requirements of commercial exchange and market requirements.
- Practicing financial, banking, insurance and any other services
- Carrying out the sorting, cleaning, mixing, blending and repacking of goods in the Marisa Free Zone
- Storage of goods in transit, domestic goods intended for export abroad, goods produced within the Marissa Free Zone, as well as incoming goods.
- Practicing various tourism and service activities
- Providing logistical services to various oil sites and others